Coquitlam Shed food bank project.


Report on the Shed project

Location: Gordon Church, Burnaby

Charity: "Don't Go Hungry" Food Bank

Visionary: Rhonda Gale

The Team: Cal, Robbie, Dave3 & Doug2

What is to be accomplished?

Move the groceries from the parking lot to the Church basement.

The plan: 

Build a chute from the parking lot to the basement (Static conveyor), easy eh?

Oliver Shed - Scrap lumber and plywood storage for outside of shed.


Currently, our shed here in Oliver is very small. To optimize space we decided to build storage for our extra lumber and plywood outside. We are going off the plan from this website for a storage cart.

Past Projects


Hello fellow shedders. We are looking for a project to our shed to do as a group. This forum is for posting past projects your shed have competed.

Thank you,

The guys at the Oliver Shed