MSABC Board Meeting Minuets.
Wednesday May 29th, 2024. 10 am Meeting 5- 2024.
All members were present. It was a virtual meeting.
- Approval of the agenda.
Approved with additions- United Way funding. Tools for Sheds.
- Approval of the minutes of the last meeting, April 24th, 2024.
The minutes were approved as circulated.
- Treasurers report.
The April Statement was approved as circulated.
As of this date there is approximately $6,200 in the outreach program account. This is a concern because the program finishes at the end of June.
We still have not received the $3,500 from United Way to support the expenses for the face to face board meeting in Squamish.
Old business.
- Smithers trade show report – Jan
Jan reported that the show was a great success with contacts being made with influential people and new outreach allies and communities identified.
- Outreach program report. Mike / Jan.
Mike reported on recent meeting and the Sheds emerging in East Vancouver and Trail. Burnaby is delayed and he is working on Valemount. The following new target communities were suggested- West Vancouver and Gibsons (Varouj) and Mission (Richard).
Jan reported on plans for his travels in a few weeks. He is going to Hazelton, Smithers, Terrace, Kitimat, Prince Rupert and Chetwynd. Stewart may be on hold because of the distance.
- Signing Authority. Jan.
The paperwork is ready to sign.
- Website- Website management. Jan / Mike.
It was agreed that the website is an important tool for MSABC but it needs work which Ariel doesn’t have the time to do.
The suggestion was made that we ask for proposals for either a qualified volunteer or a professional who can create / upgrade / maintain and protect the integrity of the site with the content coming from MSABC. A volunteer from the USMSA and Vanderhoof Men’s Shed as well as another from the Coquitlam Men’s Shed were mentioned as well as a professional developer who made the Alouette website for $1,500. Joining the MSC website is also a possibility. These proposals to be circulated to the board members in preparation for consultation at the 26th June Board Meeting.
- Strategic Plan review. Section 4. Varouj.
New business.
- BC Men’s Shed ZOOM Meeting – June 5th. at 10am. This will be an open meeting with no guests. The agenda is simple- Sheds are encouraged to share their latest news, ask questions and make suggestions to the board.
Approved, Mike to notify the Sheds.
The September ZOOM meeting was discussed. It was suggested that Dan Fries be invited to conduct a webinar about his workshop. JAN to circulate Youtube links so the board can review his work.
- Arrowsmith Healthcare Startup Grant. Mike.
Arrowsmith Healthcare applied for a Men’s Shed start-up grant.
The board decided that, while we fully support using the Men’s Shed concept to develop a program, to be eligible for funding the proposed Men’s Shed should be open to all men in the neighbourhood and at lease aspire to be fully independent from the host organization.
- Funding offered by United Way BC.
Robert reported that UWBC has offered $80,000 to MSABC for programs to be completed by 31st. March 2025. It was suggested that $60,000 go towards Operations Development and $20,000 towards Network Development.
In order that the board can better understand its responsibilities ROBERT agreed to circulate the parameters that go with this offer.
The deadline for submitting the grant application is 30th June. To facilitate this there will be a Board meeting on the 19th. June at 10am. The only item on the agenda will be the grant application.
- Tools for Sheds.
To facilitate the sharing of tools between Men’s Sheds.
It was pointed out that this is not a new idea. Last time this came up a Classified section was added to our website. It is seldom used. It was decided that we should promote this existing facility rather than invent a new one.
- Next meetings.
Wednesday 19th. June at 10am. Special meeting, UW Grant only.
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024. Normal meeting.