MSABC Board Meeting Dec 13, 2023               Report


Attending: John S, Mike J, Ron E, Varouj, Robert G, Jan F, Chris S.


Outreach Report – Mike

            Have a new shed in Ft St John

            Kamloops going ahead, may have found a venue

            Williams Lake group is having meetings

            Nelson seems to be stalled

            Golden – Virtual Meeting planned for Dec. 13

Help Age Canada - Mike - report is done and will be sent in and to the Board.


Suggested revisions of the Constitution and Bylaws



  1. Delete senior
  2. ……..On behalf of sheds;
  3. …….of all sheds;
  4. To provide information to the public about Men’s Sheds;
  5. No change
  6. No change
  7. To lobby Government Agencies about the benefits of Men’s Sheds



            2.1 Sheds are responsible for registering as a non-profit society with Societies B.C.

            2.2 …..may apply to the Board….is a member without the right to vote.

            2.3 (a) Full Membership will be granted to sheds after registering and paying of                              annual dues. They will be granted the right to vote.     

            2.3 (b) Associate Membership may be granted to an individual or group that has                            an affiliation with the Men’s Shed Program. There will be no fees for                                            Associate Membership and they will not have a vote.



MSABC Board Meeting Dec 13, 2023  Report                                                page 2          


            2.3 (c) Honorary Membership may be conferred upon an individual who has made                         a significant contribution to the association after acceptance  by a 2/3                                   majority……… not pay dues and do not have a vote.

            2.4 Full Members ………

            2.6 The Annual Dues for membership………

            4.5 A quorum is 30% of members.

            4.17                Delete

            7.5 The Secretary must ensure that the following are done; and if temporarily                                 absent the directors must appoint a replacement.


The nominating committee will be Mike J, Robert G, and Cliff I.