Men’s Shed Association of BC
Minutes of MSABC Board Meeting Wed. Oct. 11, 2023
Attending: Mike J, Robert G, Cliff I, Ron E, Jan F, Chris S, Varouj, John S.
MSABC has applied to Help Age Canada for funding to cover travel and accommodation expenses for an Outreach Program where presentations will be made to communities interested in getting a Men’s Shed going. $20,000 total; with $10000 for 2023.
-Mike will send a copy of the expense application to Help Age Canada for their information.
-Cliff volunteered to be part of the approval process.
-Presenters are encouraged to replace the Power Point “stock” photos with some from their shed.
-Coverage: 1 vehicle, 1 hotel room and a per diem for up to two volunteer presenters and an additional per diem for up to two support volunteers.
-Use CRA “Directive on Travel” rates
-Nov 24, kick off in Kamloops supported by an Okanagan Shed, then Ft. St. John with Mackenzie presenting, then Nelson with East Shore presenting.
Other News: Ron has met with Terrace, but not progressing as yet.
-McBride seems to be progressing
-Canal Flats in the Kootenays showing interest
-Terrace is a target community for the outreach program.
Zoom – MSABC needs to purchase a ZOOM account. Mike.
Facebook – Men’s Shed Association of BC Account. All are encouraged to go to it and use. It is a great way to get us known in the public. Mike has put 3 boosted posts out to date. Great idea, Mike!
-Chris Staddon offered to be an account manager for the Facebook account.
Next General Meeting – Wed. Nov 8, 10:00 which will include a Webinar by a psychologist who has expertise with Mental Health and Suicide. The link will be sent out ahead of the meeting.
Check your mail - MSABC Outreach 2023/2024
- Men Helping Men Outreach Program – A letter addressed to all BC Men's Shed members will be coming soon. Please distribute widely.