AGM Minutes 2023


A. G. M.

20 January 2023

In attendance:

Scott Agar, Brian Wright, James Derry, Dave Talbot, Mike Stewart, Barrie Turnham, Steve Thiessen, Cameron Cairncross, Stewart Crerar, John Burnett, Bill Rose, Alex Roberson.

Meeting called:   10:15 am

Mike:   Welcomes men to the first AGM.  Agenda emailed and we will get through this part of the business.

Introduction of men and their background and reason to join the CMS.

Comox Men's Shed

Comox MenShed open to all men in the Comox Valley, Vancouver Island.   

Meeting Friday mornings in the basement Shed of Comox United Church, corner of Comox Ave. and Beach Drive.   Work bench projects active on Thursday mornings.   Third Saturday of each month is a breakfast gathering, often with a guest speaker.

Alternate Contact:   James Derry

Men helping Men.