MSABC Board Meeting Monday June 19, 2023
Roll Call – Mike J, Varouj (New Board Member), Cliff I, Ron E, Ariel O, Chris S,
John S
Called to Order by Mike
Varouj was introduced as a newly appointed Board Member. He is from Mt. Pleasant Shed and had expressed interest in joining the Board.
Minutes of March 1 Board Meeting
John was unsure when the last Board Meeting was. It was March 1, 2023 and dealt with the Strategic Plan and Power Point development and other items.
Financial Update – has been sent by Cliff. He questioned that we have 40 Sheds in BC but only 20 have paid membership fees. It is because new sheds can be associate members until the next AGM, but to vote at the AGM or have the insurance they need to become members.
Promoting Men’s Sheds in BC
-What is a Men’s Shed Power Point reviewed and approved. Mike wants to train facilitators and hopes there will be some funding available for travel and accommodation soon.
-Publicity Power Point also reviewed and approved. This one is for presentations to MLS’s, Councils, prospective funders, etc.
-Contact Mike Jennings if you want more information or know of where a presentation is needed.
-We need to try to learn how to reach out to communities who have interests or questions regarding Men’s Sheds
Serving Sheds
-Mike met with Selina Robinson, his local MLA and discussed our needs; websites, grants and funding, training, etc. She asked for a possible budget for promoting Men’s Sheds in BC.
Minutes of June 19, 2023 MSABC Board Meeting p 2
Website Training – Ariel will do an update this Wednesday at the General
Connecting Sheds
- Mt pleasant planning a Regional Get Together in the fall
- Fraser Lake held their annual Appreciation BBQ. 2 members of the Vanderhoof Shed attended and lots of hamburgers were cooked. Over $500 in donations was collected to go towards a wheel chair ramp for a disabled senior.
- Mike attended the Vernon Event
- Allouette – many dignitaries attended their appreciation event.
- McBride held an Open House BBQ with Vanderhoof Attending. There seems to be definite interest there.
- Valemount seems to be struggling, partly due to the influx of pipeline workers.
Strategic Plan
The Board was asked to review it and if possible take on a task or two.
MSC – there are frustrations with the plan presented to us. We feel some of their plans need to become more relevant to us. Mike was asked to continue his efforts to help them come up with something more agreeable to the PA’s
- We asked them to change their website contact list to include an easy link to the MSABC One which works very well and is up to date. This request was turned down.
- Mike feels that in the future we may want to have only one rep to MSC
Cliff suggested 1 rep. with an alternate in case the first isn’t available.
Meeting Adjourned.