A. G. M.

20 January 2023

In attendance:

Scott Agar, Brian Wright, James Derry, Dave Talbot, Mike Stewart, Barrie Turnham, Steve Thiessen, Cameron Cairncross, Stewart Crerar, John Burnett, Bill Rose, Alex Roberson.

Meeting called:   10:15 am

Mike:   Welcomes men to the first AGM.  Agenda emailed and we will get through this part of the business.

Introduction of men and their background and reason to join the CMS.

Steve:  Moved to valley 2015 and joined church men’s group, and liked the support of this group of men.  Director of organization of group that helped people with disabilities in Abbotsford.  Carpentry, building, fixing things non professional.

Dave:  Came here 51 years ago, and this church.  Joined the shed at beginning.  School teacher, travel a lot.

Stewart:  From Saskatchewan. Teacher in Sask & Alberta, then Banff.   Married in Banff and moved to valley in 2010, lives at Berwick.

Barry:  Taught at NiC science, and in Port Alberni.  Joined group for social aspect.

Bill:  From Toronto 10 years ago, 53 years electrical engineering.  Joined the church, made friends, wife passed 1 1/2 year ago and needed to socialize more and joined the shed.

Brian:   From UK 34 years ago, emigrated with 3 kids, been on Island on boat for 3 years, and moved to Comox to be close to family.  Pipe fitter and fire fighter.  Recently met  who John worked for same co. for 23 years but did not know each other at the time.   Was in hospital for long period and therapy to socialize led to the Shed.

Cameron:  Born in Montreal, had family, worked for municipal governments, in various locations.  Moved here in 2011.   Fishing.

Scott:  Minister in Ontario and in the west.  In Rotary for 22 years, singer in choir, liked the shed.

John:  From Nova Scotia, then lived in Ontario, came west when 17 and brought up in Maple Ridge, moved to Fernie.   Kids live here, so moved here to be close to his children.  Heard of men shed through his son-in-law for social contact.  Church member in past and happy to return for fellowship.

Alex.  Born in Montreal.  Worked “all over the damn place”, for a tea company, moved here in 90’s  Butcher and had grocery store, the Dutch Deli.  Married 50 years.   

Mike:  Born in BC   Social worker.   2 kids, one in Quebec, who are moving in soon in same house.    Original 5 of founding of the shed.

James:  Work background is computer services for Federal Government, Commercial Fishing, Westmin Mines for 8 years, self employed fencing company, explosives company for 15 years, and chef for Berwick and Canadian Mental Health.  Moved to the Island 43 years ago from Winnipeg.


Report from Steering Committee;

Steve:  Thanks for introductions.  We have seen growth from the starting point of Shed.  Lots of potential in the members here.  In January 2018 heard about loneliness on CBC and the Mens Shed movement.  Learned about ministry for loneliness in the UK.  So this was starting point for founding this shed.

Conversations about men and who they are, their skills, and issues and initiatives around the church property like the lawn, and the chair dollies,  This was a starting point for being in the shed but it is really a starting point for companionship & comradeship.  Grassroots movement spread through the English speaking world Commonwealth.

Book published on the shed movement.  Sees here core of interest in each other and support.

Talks about heart operation and next one coming up and this support helped him, as with Mike’s lose of wife.

Mike:  This space is used on Thursday for workshop stuff, and Friday for informal meeting.


Financial Report

$611.53 in account.  Shed and Men’s group.

$25   $20?  a year dues, Is the Breakfast the Men’s group only?  Needs to be clarified.

Confirmation of election of Officers.

Chairman   Mike  co chair Steve

Secretary Scott & James & Stewart (recorder)

Treasurer Mike  Jim

Convener /Activity Director:    Dave & Bill

Housekeeping/Coffee:    Barry

Shed Dues:  $25  Barry, Dave, Steve, Cameron, Brian, Alex, John, Scott, Bill  paid. $225.00.  James to pay tomorrow.  Mike?

Dues in Future will be paid annual at AGM in January.

Skills Inventory:

James to email out questionaire and men can email back to him to create the list.  Then the list could be filed with the Activity Director for ideas in future.

Mike opens floor up ideas for Shed:

Cameron:  A winter resident is a carver and will invite him for reference to Dave.  Elder college has an Improve Course and new courses starting at NIC for elderly.

Scott:   5 shows coming up for Beech Street Players.   Sound Track of Our Lives.  Organized with church and Rotary Strath Sunrise.   Charity benefits.

Cameron:  Split with Men’s Group or MenShed?  Go to Breakfast to make this decision.

Loose discussion of the two groups and what they do.

Reminder of January Lunch soup and bun event.

Steve:  Sequence of Decision Making List would be helpful for project.


Adjourned at 11:42 am

Authoring Shed